April 1st has been celebrated as a Fool's Day by different cultures for centuries. It was in 1700 when an English prankster popularized this annual celebrating tradition. Although different parts of the world celebrate this day, its origin is a mystery to date. On april fools' day, pranksters, mass media, and even the people involved in pranks make practical jokes. Despite many regions of the globe celebrating this day, it isn't regarded as a federal holiday in any country. Nowadays, the play of harmless pranks is increasing among people on this day without knowing the historical background behind it. To know the different origins of April fool's day, scroll and continue your reading.
One of the famous arguments put forward by historians as an answer for why we celebrate april fools day is about change in the calendar. In the late 16th century, France switched from following the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. As of the mythological Hindu calendar, the Julian calendar starts its new year with the spring equinox (April 1). Due to the slow spread of the message about change, some regarded April 1st as the new year. This is a reason why April 1st became the butt of jokes and some were called April fools.
Another april fools' day history is about the festival of Hilaria that was widely celebrated in Rome. Hilaria is a Latin word denoting the meaning of joy. It was celebrated by followers of the cult of Cybele at the end of March. The cult was a great Phrygian mother of god and goddess of motherhood, mountain wilds, and fertility. During this festive season, people would dress up in disguise and mock the citizens. Even the higher officials such as magistrates were mocked by them. This custom is regarded to be inspired by Egyptian legends of Osiris, Seth, and Isis.
'What if nature fooled people by any means?' This was a question in the mind of many! So, many propounded that the celebration of April fool in the northern hemisphere is because of the vernal equinox. The term spring equinox refers to the period when the sun is exactly over the equator with equal day and night. On the first day of the vernal equinox, nature fooled people in the northern hemisphere with a sudden shift in weather. The changes are unpredictable during this period and so many regarded it as the cause for the origin of april fools' day.
The reason to celebrate April fool's day in the Netherlands is because of the Dutch victory over the Spanish duke. In 1572 the Dutch won Brielle from duke Ãlvarez de Toledo and so it is regarded as the reason for celebration. There is a famous proverb Op 1 april verloor Alva zijn bril denoting the meaning On the first of April Alva lost his glasses. However, it is still ambiguous how a victory can be linked to April Fool's Day.
The above-given are the reasons for the origin of April fools day. Also, given are the april fools day ideas that are widely prevalent in different corners of the country. However, in certain nations like China, there is a ban on celebrating April Fool's Day. So, know the rule of the country you stay in and decide whether to prank and fool the buds and close kins. Hope the content helps you to know the reasons for celebrating April fools day.
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