Feelings and flowers go hand in hand, especially when the flowers are the Roses. Roses hold a special place in our hearts and history. There are dozens of magical stories where people have illustrated what is in their heart with some Roses.
There are so many varieties of Roses which make them perfect for different stages of Love which two people go through. Read how you can express your feelings that you experience at different stages simply by letting the Roses do all the talking!
Well, believe it or not, true love mostly starts with lots of fights as both are constantly in a denial to whatever their heart says. So, they end up annoying and irritating each other. But, then, there comes the realisation along with the pure White Roses. One of you will accept that the fight should end and it's time to listen to the inner feelings.
Finally, White Roses are gifted as a symbol of peace.
Now that peace flag has been unfurled, it's time to start something new. Friendship is love and love is friendship. Friendship is a promise made in the heart that there will be immense support and constant encouragement. It is a beautiful feeling.
Commence this with a bunch of Yellow Roses. These are the symbol of friendship and will further strengthen your bond.
The late night talks and sharing of the deepest emotions without any apprehensions bring two people closer. You start missing their presence when they are not there even for one day. And whenever you are with them, the butterflies in your stomach are there too.
It is for the first time that you feel for someone this way. It's time to come out of the friendzone and let the other person know that you want to take the next step now. With some innocent Pink Roses, saying this would be magical.
You have come a long way with your special person. No more fights and no more holding back. It's high time that the colour of the Roses turns to Red. Don't hold back, don't deny your feeling and don't beat about the bush. Get up and propose with a bunch of some deep-set Red Roses.
Roses have been the favourite of the poets as these are the most enchanting breed of the flowers. Your special someone would understand how much you love them with these beautiful Flowers.
Now you are all set to embark upon the journey of love. Good luck!
March 12, 2025
March 03, 2025
February 28, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 10, 2025