Every working professional while reading this blog is sure to be reminded of his/her boss. So, read on to know what type of a boss you are working with -
Micro Manager: He will not even let you send a single mail without proof-reading it. He is a complete control freak and doesn't trusts anyone with responsibilities without having a first-hand update himself. He makes you feel you can't do more than that. Challenging you to take responsibility in not his cup of tea.
Unapproachable: Unless you have done something extraordinarily good you cannot get his attention and time. He is difficult to communicate with and underlings will be scared to ask for help in solving any work related problem. You always need to be direct with him and often the employees are scared even if he hasn't even ever been mean and abusive.
No nonsense boss: He is cold and intimidating, aggressive by nature, and tries to get things done by issuing commands. He has an ego, and keeps it with him while he is in the office. He threatens his employees but never goes overboard because he is insecure, and doesn't wish to lose his effect on the employees.
The Ideal boss: He is the one who excels and influences. Ideally, he is the best boss to have running a company as he handles both the management and his employees efficiently. Such bosses have positive vibes that they impart to the employees as well and inspires them to do the best in their limits. He trusts his employee's capability and encourages him to take responsibility.
I am the most powerful boss: Â This boss always brandishes his power. He takes great pride in waving his power and authority around and loves wearing the mask of a boss, and believes that bosses are the highest-regarded professionals in the world.He is overtly possessive of his post and always wants to give an impression that he is completely in control of the situation, even if he is not.
Unappreciating boss: The word praise is not found in his dictionary. He never acknowledges the accomplishments of his underlings, all the worst he takes credit for the work of others.
March 24, 2025
March 17, 2025
March 15, 2025
March 12, 2025
March 03, 2025