Diwali is a Festival of Lights that is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains all over the world. The festival of lights marks the triumph of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair. Diwali is the time for cleaning the house, strengthening the bond of togetherness with family, friends, and relatives. The festival is observed in November and is celebrated differently in different regions of India. The festival of lights and candles is the time to exchange Diwali gifts and to share sweets with each other. It is the day to remember that the light of God always triumphs over darkness.
Significance of Diwali
Diwali also carries deep philosophical meaning in addition to cultural significance and celebrations. Even the simple ritual of Diwali has significance and a story behind it. On this big day, homes are decorated with Diwali lights, rangolis, and firecrackers fill the skies as an expression of respect for the heavens of knowledge, wealth, peace, prosperity, and wealth. According to Hindu Mythology, the sound of the firecrackers indicates the joy of the people all over the world, making the Gods and Goddess aware of their plentiful state.
The Spiritual Significance of Diwali
Beyond the lights, gambling, fun, and enjoyment, Diwali 2020 is the time to understand the good and bad of the present year and make changes for the upcoming year. It is common practice that people forget and forgive the harm and the wrongs done by others during the festival of lights. This gesture creates an air of freedom, festivity, peace, patience, and friendliness everywhere.
Starting from Dhanteras to Bhaidaj, Diwali is a five-day festival. The first day of Diwali is Dhanteras which falls on the thirteenth day of Krishna-paksha on the month of Kartik in the Hindu calendar. This day is considered an auspicious day for buying and presenting utensils, silver coins, vehicles, and gold coins.
Naraka Chaturdasi or Kali Chaudas is the second day of Diwali, it is the day when demon Narakasura was killed by Lord Shri Krishna. During this day Hindus wake up early in the morning to take a Holy bath and then clean their homes or wear new clothes followed by breakfast with friends and relatives.
The third is the most important day among the five days of the festival. It is known as Lakshmi Puja. This day is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi who is considered the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and the embodiment of beauty. It is believed that the worshippers are blessed with wealth, good fortune, and prosperity in the coming years.
Padava or Govardhan Puja and Bali Pratipada is the fourth day of Diwali. This day is celebrated in different ways in different parts of the country. It is the day in which Lord Krishna defeated Indra. It is common for Husbands to give Diwali gifts to wives and brothers to strengthen the bond shared by each other. The next day is Bhaiduj, brothers, and sisters from all over the world express their love and affection with a token of love.
Tips to Celebrate Diwali
Diwali is one of the glorious festivals celebrated in India that brings the spirit of unmatched joy and excitement to your households. The festival is celebrated as a symbol of all that is good and pure in the world. Then, why don't you take a moment to dedicate it to nature by celebrating it in an eco-friendly way? One of the negative sides of the Diwali celebration is that air pollution increases with bursting crackers, energy, and food waste also increases. Apart from this, the noise created by crackers affects infants, elderly people, and pets. So follow the steps given below for celebrating an eco-friendly Diwali this year.
Some people may argue that celebrating Diwali without crackers is not fun. But for a cleaner and greener future you should try to avoid bursting crackers or use eco-friendly crackers to celebrate Diwali.
Women around all corners of the world are busy searching for Rangoli design for Diwali. This year, go traditional and use colorful food grains and natural colors for your rangoli.
Instead of opting for regular clocks and chocolate gifts, wish your family and friends a happy Diwali with eco-friendly items like plants, clothes, jute products, etc.
Go for earthen diyas and candles to illuminate your homes on Diwali. They are cost-effective, biodegradable, and will reduce electricity consumption and wastage during festive days.
Bottom lines
The festival of lights is termed as a unifying event that can soften even the hardest of hearts. It is the time when people start to enjoy every moment of their life by mingling in joy and embracing one another. Celebrate this glorious day by sending Diwali wishes and sweets to your dear ones.