The bro-sis bond of course is a love-hate relationship between siblings. We love to hate and still love each other. It is simple yet complex, and myself having to younger brother I can surely say that with confidence. One moment you are backing each other in fights and another moment you are jaws and claws with each other. But there simply is never a doubt that we love each other though we fight insanely, don't share our things easily, want more of everything but at the same time we also tell them our well-guarded secrets and know that they are safe. There is never a moment of second thought when we really need some help, our brother or sister is the one we first approach.
Let me tell you an incident to prove this. As I already told that I am the eldest sister with two always fighting, younger brothers. The first brother is just one year younger so of course, there was always a fight for not sharing toys, book or anything, even pencils. I distinctively remember it was the first term exams when he was studying in 6th grade and I was in the 7th. Our exam papers were shown and we had to tell our scores to our parents. As my little brother flunked in Mathematics, he was really terrified to tell my parents and nervously, he lied about scoring good marks. But as the Parent's Meet Day approached for handing results to parents, he was getting scared and when he just couldn't keep it to himself as it needed to be fixed, he came to be and narrated the whole story. The first emotions I felt after listening to him was, that I was really touched with his honesty with me and the trust he has that I could make things right for him.
Well back then even I was too young to fix this so I secretly told it to mom to not be mad and angry but forgive him for this mistake she did. Since that day onwards our bond of friendship and truth between us has grown stronger. Such moments are shared by all brothers and sisters when they seek each others help with full trust. We both love each other are ready to do things but still never stop fighting. I guess that is the beauty of this relation and Raksha-Bandhan is surely the best time and way to celebrate it.