One of the important things that stays constant in life is the loyalty of a true friend. Always faithful and can be counted upon, a true friend remains with you till the very end. A person who never leaves your side and supports you in every step of the journey is what we call a true friend.
From playing childish pranks on each other to going for a midnight walk in the night, to watching a movie again & again together, a true friend will always be your partner in all those little incidents of happiness.
The spirit of a true friend
They say that the spirit of friendship never dies. No matter the distance, he or she will always be there for you, whether physically or in spirit. Celebrate and cherish the everlasting bond of fellowship that ties you and your friend together. Here are some of the rare qualities of the true friend in your life:
Understands everything, just by a look: A true friend understands you better than anybody else. Much better than a certified psychiatrist, he or she patiently listens to all your problems and provides valuable insights to them all.
Strict master but never judgmental: No matter the wrong doing, or the embarrassment, a true friend never judges. Sure, they share their opinions and insights on the situation, but they will never judge you, for they know your true nature better than anybody else.
There all the time! A true friend never backstabs you or seeks to belittle you in front of others. They would support you and be on your side through it all.
Tackles your mood swings the best: No matter your mood, a friend will always be there for you. Even if you are angry, sad, or in a sour mood, you can always count on the support of a true friend to guide you.
Accepts you are you are! Friends, true or otherwise, accept you for who you truly are. They will never make judgments regarding your nature, or personality. Whether you are a fashion freak, a nerd, or a complete slob, a true friend will always highlight your qualities, while masking your true nature. After all, if no one can be perfect, your friend will make you perfect.
As they say 'A friend in a need, is a friend in a deed': In times of need, or distress, you can always rely on the support of a true friend. The guiding light of fellowship, and the height of trust and loyalty, a true friend will rush to your side, and seek to provide every bit of support he or she can to alleviate your distress. After all, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Constant Companion: A company that you enjoy and cherish all your life, a friend is that special individual that you form a special connection with. You can never get tired of a friend's company.
The characteristics of a friend are indescribable, as they are limitless, one that can only be excavated by them.
A bit about Friendship day
The esteemed novelist Isabelle Norton once said that "In a friend, you find a second self." Nothing can be truer, as a friend is more than just an associate. A true friend is the most trusted person in your life, your comrade-in-arms through all peril, and your loyal secret keeper, protecting you from all harm. No other relation in your life can be compared to a friend. This is why a special once in a year occasion is held on the first Sunday of the month of August called the 'Friendship's Day'.
Gifts are exchanged between friends and peers, to lay emphasis on how special they truly are. From friendship day bandsbeing sentonline in India to friendships day cakes online, everybody is in a rush to get the best friendship day surprise and express their gratitude for all that the friend has done.
A day does not even compare to the deeds of a true friend, but what a small measure of this joy can certainly by given as thank you. Friendship day observers may browse through the most unique and exotic gifts online and celebrate this glorious occasion of friendship.
You may come in contact with all multitudes of people in life, people of all kinds and sorts. But connecting with a true friend is like encountering a needle in a haystack, which makes it all the more special and rewarding. Always remember, no matter how deeply entrenched in trouble you are, a true friend will always be there for you!