Are you really tired of resorting to the same party-gift-dinner routine while planning a New Year with your boyfriend? If yes, then it's time for you to get out of the circle, as it is no more a thoughtful way to celebrate the most special day of the year. Instead of those things, opt to do something unique and innovative to surprise your boyfriend in a better way than partying. You can think of something different from the usual; try to spend some quality time with each other at home. Present some thoughtful New Year gifts to make it even more memorable.
Do you find it difficult to find a gorgeous New Year gift for boyfriend? As the New Year is fast approaching, it goes without saying that a beautiful present for the New Year from the person you love has to be a super cute one. There is a wide range of options available for you at the online stores that you can explore. This New Year 20121, gift your boyfriend with something unique and special by checking out the list of gifts given below.
Go on a romantic getaway
Is there anything that could make your boyfriend more special that you spending your precious time with him? Seriously, No. Time is a valuable resource, so holding your hands for a romantic getaway for the New Year celebration is an excellent plan for celebrating the special day. You can head towards a beach or park, spending a couple of time holding hands and enjoying lovely sunny days. This type of New Year gift for boyfriend will help him to have stress free days away from his daily routine.
A treasure hunt
The treasure hunt is one of the best New Year gift ideas that will add some fun and creativity to your gift. If you are a romantic couple, then write some love notes in some places around his house and ask him to find it. While writing the love notes, make sure that you include some clues along with the note. You should write clues in such a way that it leads him to the thoughtful New Year gift that you have hidden. Lunch boxes, car, pockets of his pants, and cupboard are some of the places where you can hide the clues. This gesture from your side will surely make him feel loved all day!
Your own film
Collect done picture of your boyfriend from childhood to now and make a beautiful slideshow presentation with all his favorite songs running in the background. Warning: this is one of the best New Year gifts for boyfriend that will certainly bring some happy tears to his eyes.
Fix your DIY projects
Wanna make a great homemade gift, but you are short of time? Then here is the best gift idea for you! Make an origami fortune teller using cardboards and fill it with sweet messages. In case you are out of ideas to make one, then browse the internet where you can find a lot of tutorials available online. Easy to make then this New Year gift will get ready in less than 15 minutes.
Bake it right
Make a delicious, mouthwatering New Year cake for him. Nothing can make a special day memorable than your loved one putting effort to make you happy. If you are unsure about your baking skills, there are a lot of online cake shops that sell spongy cakes at affordable prices. You can even opt to get some tips and tricks from bakers so that you can end up baking a good one for him. Watching baking tutorial videos online and executing them the right way is also an excellent idea to surprise him on New Year.
A photo collage
Presenting a simple photo frame is boring after a while, so involve all his near and dear ones and bring out the New Year gift in a unique way. Plan well and assign an alphabet from H-A-P-P-Y N-E-W Y-E-A-R to all his dear ones (including you). You can either opt to write down the alphabets by yourself or get them printed. Send this to all his loved ones and ask them to send a by posing with it. Once you get all the photographs, make it a collage, and present it to him sharp at 12 and watch the wide smile that pops up on his face.
Bottom lines
The passing of a special year and the approaching of a new year is very special for everyone in all possible ways. It symbolizes new beginnings and it is the right time to shower all your love and care on your boyfriend. This new year, come up with meaningful and gorgeous new year gift ideas for your boyfriend and make this special day a memorable one for him!