The joy of Rakhi is endless. It is a single day in an entire year dedicated to the joyous brother-sister bond that ties the two together. Witness the delight on both their faces as the sister's ties the sacred thread on her brother's wrist. This joy is reciprocated by him as he showers her with gifts, kindling the happy smile on her face.
5 Special Rakhi Activities that Strengthen the Bond of Sibling-hood
Here are some activities that the brother and sister can partake in, and further tighten the bond of sibling-hood that they share -
Participating in Sports Related Activities Together'
Whether it is games, sports, or a physical outdoor activity that stimulates the body and mind, what better team is there than the dynamic duo of the brother and sister?
Through their innate bond the two support each other and complement their weaknesses, forming the perfect team.
Stimulating the mind and body, sporting is one of the most delightful bonding experiences the two can partake in on Rakhi.
Watching Movies Together'
A movie is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a thousand pictures. Does that mean a movie is worth a thousand videos?
Whether it is an inspirational movie rekindling one's sense of patriotism, or a goofy and hilarious comedic flick, nothing is better than watching a movie with your sister.
Just sit back, relax, and witness the cinematic masterpiece on the screen with her, as you two munch on a delicious Rakhi cake.
Going on an Adventure Trip '
As the famous TV personality Ophra Winfrey once said 'The biggest adventure you can go in is to live the life of your dreams'
Going on an exciting adventure trip along with your sister, is one of the most perfect ways to bond with her, while having fun. Imagine hanging upside down 200 m above the ground in Rishikesh with a nothing but a bungee rope tied to your ankle, going on a thrilling expedition right into the heart of the Sunderban forests, or braving the currents of the river Ganges as you raft across its white waters.
Nothing accentuates the rush and thrill than being in the company of your beloved sister.
Cookouts Together '
From a backyard Barbeque cookout, to preparing a delicious Rakhi feast. What is more fun and enjoyable than cooking a mouthwatering meal with your sister?
 Whether she needs help to bake a cake, or adding salt to that mouthwatering chicken roast, who better to help you out than you?
Participating in a cookout together is as fun and exciting, as it is memorable, it is something that you definitely should enjoy with your sister on this special day.
Shopping Together '
Whether it is coveting that glittering silver earring that you had seen in the display window of the store, or just hanging around, passing time. No one but your sister can give you the most enjoyable company.
 It could be an opulent shopping mall, or just a local store, being with her is a special bonding.
Why not even surprise her with a rakhi gift combo as you are going on a shopping or window shopping trip with her to accompany you. A surprise gift is the greatest gift.
Whether it is a happy or a sad moment, a sister is always there. After all, as Sara Corpening once said "How do people make it through life without a sister?"