1. Roses Galore
Order lots of roses and decorate your entire house with those roses only. Place bouquets made of red roses, cover the floor with rose petals, you can put a little more effort and make chandeliers with roses. If you think you it's too much for you, call a florist and get all of it done by professionals. Transform your entire room into a rose garden. Show your spouse how much you love him/her.
2. Surprise at the Office
Flowers can bring a smile on anyone's face. Their vivid color and pleasant fragrance has the ability to lighten up anyone's mood. And when you give someone flowers, the first thing in the morning before work, it can re-energize them and make them smile for the rest of the day. You can also surprise your spouse by sending him/her a beautiful bouquet of flowers at their workplace, wishing them happy birthday. And to save time, you do not have to visit a florist for it. MyFlowerTree offers online flower delivery service. Just visit their website and place an order. It's as simple as that.
3. Date Night
If you want to make it really special, then a date night is what you should really go for. However, there are certain things that you must keep in mind while planning the date night, like restaurant, the kind of food your spouse likes and lastly, a perfect gift. And, nothing can be more apt than a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
So, when you are planning a flowery surprise for your spouse, make sure you two have a great time. That's what the day is for!